A Day in Washington pt. 1

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 As promised, here’s my blog post regarding my recent travel (and what I wore on it, of course). I’m not really used to blogging my travels though, so I’m not sure how this’ll work. Anyway, here it goes.  

 It’s been a while since I’ve been to DC; it was around 5 years ago since I was last there, I think, but by gods, it was as beautiful as I remembered it. Literally, every moment was played out against carved marble stone floors and cherry blossoms. And every photo taken of me, whether stolen or not, was made against backdrops that didn’t only look like they were taken right off a post card but were also iconic. I felt like I already know the place even without living in it. In every direction I gazed into, I saw something which made me think, “Hey, it’s like that place from my history book or from that one movie I loved.” And true enough, it was that place. It’s small stuff like this that made me love DC.  

What I'm Wearing: Snapback (Bershka)

  My family and I toured the area for a couple of days (which wasn’t enough)- on bus, on foot, with tour guides, and without, but we still weren’t able to see the whole city- not even the White House. SHAME!!, says the shame nun. I was really hoping we could get in and marvel at the history of the palace and whomever else walked on the path I thought we’d walk onto but apparently, some documents and stuff were needed for entry and we didn’t know of it so EH, better try again. Anyway, we did go to some other great spots, and I think they were enough. Better save some for the next time, I guess.   

  Day 1 was about all about museums. But for a history geek like me, however, it was all about a walk through the past, and a glimpse of what was then. There was the Smithsonian Castle, which was a treat for I’ve always loved vast palaces. And even though it was never really used as a private residence by any King nor by any nobleman cause DUH, AMERICA, it still counts as a palace, right? For some moments, I thought imagined that the halls were wiped clean of tourists, that the walls were lined with royal portraits, and that there were knights standing guard instead of…well, security guards. And just like that, I was transported to medieval England, in the court of some King Henry or so. HAHA! I’m sorry if I geeked out on this.

  Another was the National Air and Space Museum. I don’t think I’ve been in a lot of space museum but I’ve been in a couple, and among them, this was probably the largest in terms of sheer size and of number of historic aircraft/spacecraft collection. I didn’t realize it at first, but apparently, most of the air and spacecraft displays were legit. And, really, that was rad-to be so close to something that already reached the stars; I can only wonder what stories those artifacts hold.    

  Anyway, I could go on and on about the museums we’ve been to and the landmarks we’ve seen but I think you’d just be bored. So, let me cut this short by saying this, with all the historic artifacts, the iconic landmark, and the picturesque landscape, Washington was a gem. Thousands steps around the city, I realized that more than these, , I loved DC for its marriage of the North and the South; you can live the city life with the suburban feel. I mean, just look at that guy biking in a suit. But more of this on part 2(day 2) of this post. Stay tuned.  Comment your thoughts down below