Urban Outfitter

1:06 PM Unknown 3 Comments

For the past few days, the weather here in the Philippines has resumed its familiar bipolarness. Just take today as an example, one minute it's so hot that you could boil egg on the pavement, and on the next, the pavement is flooded. I mean, literally....at least on the pavement getting flooded part. Haha! And don't get me started on yesterday! Light drizzle on a sunny day? They shouldn't mix but sometimes, they do..and did.

What I'm wearing: Beanie, (H&M), Polo Shirt (Topman), Parka Jacket (H&M), Walking Shorts (Topman)

And much like the country's ever-changing weather, here's an outfit that shouldn't mix but do..and did. Instead of wearing something fit for the warm climate or the rainy season alone, I opted to wear something that would somehow be wearable on both conditions by mixing parka jacket with a walking shorts. On the Philippines, at least, they don't usually mix together. Well..they do if one aims for style but other than that, they don't..theoretically. But for this weird and bipolar weather, I guess they do work. When it gets too hot, I could remove the parka jacket and be good to go. Yet when it gets too cold, that same parka could not only protect me from the rain but from the chill as well.


Detail Shot


  1. That jacket with that shirt g so well together. Lve it !!

  2. That jacket with that shirt g so well together. Lve it !!
