Colours of November

4:40 AM Unknown 0 Comments

  I'm back from my one week hiatus. Hurray! Midterm exams are all done and I couldn't be happier. I feel like I've missed a lot of opportunities to share some holloween ideas though. Worry not, I'm here to make it up to you all.

  First stop before I share my halloween costume, let me share this outfit I've put on to mourn death in general and to cherish the memories of the loved ones the family has lost. I intended it to be black and white to convey both emotions- sorrow and joy. Afterall, halloween is not just a time to put on a fancy costume and take a gazillion shots of tequila til we drop (not til death, hopefully). Well, it's also kinda about that, don't get me wrong HAHAHA but more importantly, halloween is also about remembering the people we've lost, and about pondering on the vulnerability of life. That way, we are made to remember that life is not eternal, that we only have limited time to make a mark in this world, and to good in whatever we do, so as not to tarnish our souls when time comes.   

What I'm Wearing: Snapback (H&M), Leather Jacket (Mint), Aztec Sweater (Topman), Leather Shoes (Dr. Martens)

  Anyway, style-wise, I've realized it's so much more stylish and comfortable to wear a pullover or longsleeve button-down and to just drape a jacket over your shoulders than wearing a tee and layering it with a coat. Those sleeves on your arms peeping out of your outerlayer just add an extra amount of style. Just take a look at this attire, for example