Summer In October

4:13 AM Unknown 0 Comments

    I'm afraid I'd have to keep this post short and simple for midterms week has finally dawned upon me, ready to swallow me whole. Actually, it's for two weeks cause some professors decided to have their exams a week after the scheduled one, which is nice, in fact cause it would give me time to focus more on each subject. So..hurray to that! However, the downside is that I'd have another week to fret. So..uhmmm..booooo to that? 

What I'm Wearing: Straw Hat (H&M), Button-down (Topman), Parka Jacket (21 Men)

    Anyway, as I sit here at my desk with piles of books left unread, I become more nostalgic of the summer days and vacation breaks when all I had to do was...well, nothing, really..except to do whatever hell I wanted to do. Thus, I decided to post this attire that I have taken months ago when summer had just ended, and the rain started pouring day and night. Like now, I was nostalgic of the summer days then that I slapped myself with some bright colour, put on a straw hat and finished it up with a parka jacket to keep the outfit appropriate for the season, of course.  

    So if you're facing the same predicament as I have and feeling the same thing I am, just put on your brightest shirt and pretend like it's summer all-over again. Who knows, maybe the memory of summer could get you (us) enliven for the days to come.

PS: Since I've been mentioned on a buzzfeed article a week ago, this blog & my instagram account (@ronwelllim) just keeps on rolling! Even to this minute, people are still flooding my page. It's insane! Thus, I'm feeling bad in posting such a crappy post today...but you have to understand my problem. Anyway, if you've been led here by buzzfeed, thank you! but even if you weren't and you just happen to come across my page..thank you for reading too! :) 

PS: forgive my grammar if I have committed some (or a lot) of mistakes. I'm posting this unedited cause I just really have to go back to studying now. Till my next post!